On North American Soil

Mike and I are finally back home, though our journey from Halifax to Toronto via the U.S. didn’t go quite as planned. …

Cape Breton and the Maritimes

Mike and I spent almost two weeks on the island of Cape Breton.  What a glorious time of year (ignoring hurricanes!).  The …

Hurricane Number 2

Yet again does a hurricane far off-shore affect our trip.  The remnants of Hurricane Matthew have given us an extremely “interesting” Thanksgiving.  …

Slopes, Hills and Vehicles

Slopes and Hills – not great for the Lincoln or the RV.   Both the RV and the Lincoln have each run into …


We just spent two nights in Cupids and it was super. Everything went great: our camping location, the hospitable people we met …

Chasing the Ace

  Mike and I have spent three days so far on the western arm of the Avalon Peninsula.  On Monday we drove …

Bonavista Peninsula

We have just spent 5 days on the Bonavista Peninsula.  Other than worrying about running out of propane we had a super …

Test of a Panorama Photo

This entry is just a quick test to see how a very wide panorama photo works.  If you click on the photo …

Fogo Island and more

We have just spent five nights on Fogo Island. It is a barren rock with lots of ocean and a really super …

Bits and Pieces

SUCCESS!  Exactly one month ago today (note: this was written a week ago) Mike diagnosed a problem in Labrador City with our …

Gross Morne North

Mike and I are staying in the northern section of Gros Morne National Park for a few days.  We will then move …

Cow Head: “Tete de Vache”

Nowhere in Newfoundland and Labrador have we seen houses and decorations in the somewhat dull earth tones that we see in Southern …

A Letter Home

This website started because whenever Mike and I traveled I would send letters home.  Friends started asking for me to copy them …

Newfoundland: Walking Again

We have spent the last day and a half around St. Anthony in the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland and we are having …

Labrador Summary

Here is our final entry for Labrador. This was the one area that we planned to visit on this trip where Mike …

Boondocking or Dry Camping

For more than two weeks now we have been boondocking or, more correctly, dry camping. Boondocking is basically camping without services such …

FedEx: What a Mess

This might also be called “A Parcel that has more air miles than I do”. You may remember that we were having …

Churchill Falls – or not

The good news is that the road between Labrador City and Goose Bay looks to be excellent. They have just finished paving …

Starting Inland: Hwy 500/510

This is our last night in Labrador City before we leave on the Trans-Labrador Highway and the unknown. For those that want …

Happy Again

Just a quick note so that no one feels too sorry for us. We have just arrived in Labrador City. The people …

Not our Best Day

Before we started out this morning Mike took the garbage across the road to a forestry campsite. He encountered a red fox …

Eastern Quebec

After we left Quebec City region we started driving and encontered some of the steepest climbs and descents we have ever had …

Adventurers from Germany

Walmart parking lot – what a great place to meet interesting people 🙂 In Quebec City we decided to stay in a …

Quebec City

Mike and I both really like old Quebec so we couldn’t miss a chance of visiting it again. Actually we spent quite …

Canada Day in Ottawa

July 1, Canada Day on Parliament Hill. As we finally arrived in Ottawa it was only right that we spend Canada Day …

Kilt Run Perth Ontario

We were again heading for Ottawa when we stopped for lunch in Perth. The waitress told us about what they hoped would …

2016 Update with the Jansens

For those friends that we haven’t seen recently here is a quick update of the major changes Mike and I have seen …

Our Trip is Over :-(

Was our trip great – absolutely it was phenomenal! Mike and I had a really, really super time and neither of us …

Leaving Canada

After 37 days travelling across Canada we are heading south into the US towards Yellowstone Park.  I thought that I would write …

Memory Lane, Southern BC

Well it is now Monday and I haven’t uploaded my last article yet.  I will probably upload both together when I finally …

Jasper in the clouds

Disappointingly our trip to Jasper wasn’t our best day.  We had originally hoped to park the RV near Jasper and then use …

Enroute to Jasper – NOT!

We started out this trip on the August 1 long weekend and ended up spending our first night in a Walmart parking …

Long Slow Day

On Tuesday morning we left Fort McMurray for the second time.  Our route had changed and we were now heading for Slave …

Rubber on the Road

It is 9pm on Monday night and I am sitting alone in our RV in a parking lot in Fort McMurray.  10:30 …

Speed Bumps are Hills

OK, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration but anything larger than speed bumps are hills when we are on …

Hornets, Lakes and Campers

We have just spent a couple of days in Cold Lake, Alberta home to a Canadian Forces base.  Some of you may …

Winnipeg and Folklorama 2014

I am writing this on the road just leaving Winnipeg where we have spent the last three nights.  Mike had to attend …

Week One is Over

Our first week is over, eleven to go.  We gave up on our plan to keep following Hwy 11 to the end.  …

Red Rock Folk Festival

Well plans changed again.  Isn’t that what holidays are for.  Enroute to Thunder Bay we drove past a turnoff for the town …

Bits and Pieces

It is day 6 and we have just left Hearst, Ontario enroute slowly to Thunder Bay. This might be another night staying …

Day 3 to Swastika, Ontario

Day 3, holiday Monday, and we are heading north. Since Mike hadn’t heard back from his friend in Sudbury we decided to …

Day 2 to North Bay

So it is day 2 and we have just left Walmart in Wasaga Beach on our way to Sudbury.  We just drove …

On the Road (to Walmart)

Day 01  Saturday August 2 We did it!  We have started our trip.  A few minor problems hooking up the car.  I …

Last Minute Actions

So after six different trips to Hitch City the car can finally be towed. Shouldn’t the word alarm mean that it goes …