Lake Constance Part 1

Mike and I have started our main e-bike ride for 2024. We hope to cycle from the start of the Rhine to …

2023 Summary

Well, 2023 didn’t quite go how we expected but it has been an interesting year. We started with medical issues and ended …

Mountains of Austria

Mike and I have spent quite a bit of time in Austria over the last few years but we haven’t been in …

2021 Summary

For the second year in a row, the coronavirus has determined both our route and our time allotment in Europe.  This year …

Heading to Western Europe

Big news first.  After almost 5 years we have finally got to France which is where we were heading a very long …

Four Countries

Four countries in two weeks.  Many campers do this in Europe but normally Mike and I would only see one or two …

Sunday Brunch in Vienna

We LOVE Vienna.  We have spent 17 days at the campground near Vienna, touring both the city and the surrounding area.  This …

Long Distance Cycling

Jackie riding on the Danube As many of you know, last year Mike and I started what we call “long distance cycling”, …

Graz and Surroundings

Mike and I are definitely getting back into long distance cycling.  Of course, our idea of long distance, is a little bit …

Southern Austria

The good news is that Mike and I are now in Austria.  We didn’t have to choose between quarantining or returning to …

2020 Road and Cycling Maps

Click here to see all our 2020 posts. Click here to see our 2020 photo gallery. Above is our final map of …

Austria: Bits and Pieces

Mike and I left Vienna fairly quickly as we are coming home earlier than originally planned this year.  We travelled very quickly …

Vienna – Just Gorgeous

Mike and I are really hoping/planning/expecting to be back in Vienna next year. We only made a couple of short trips into …

Around Linz

Mike and I are camping near Linz on our way to Vienna where we hope to pick up our new e-bikes.  We …

City of Mozart

Mozart is everywhere.  There are Mozart bridges, Mozart cycle routes, Mozart roads, Mozart buildings and much more.  If it isn’t Mozart, it’s …

Salzburg Area

We are back near a good-sized city for a change.  When we first got to this campground we biked into Salzburg and …