Lake Constance Part 2

Mike and I are continuing on our ride along the Rhine river from its source to the North Sea. We have completed …

Lake Constance Part 1

Mike and I have started our main e-bike ride for 2024. We hope to cycle from the start of the Rhine to …

2023 Summary

Well, 2023 didn’t quite go how we expected but it has been an interesting year. We started with medical issues and ended …

Switzerland (1 of 2)

As I write this Mike and I are just leaving Switzerland. We have spent about three weeks touring this country. I can’t …

2021 Summary

For the second year in a row, the coronavirus has determined both our route and our time allotment in Europe.  This year …

Heading to Western Europe

Big news first.  After almost 5 years we have finally got to France which is where we were heading a very long …