2024: A Year Worth Remembering

2024 started in a less-than-ideal way: bad weather and the shocking discovery that mice had devoured all the engine wires that control the fuel injectors in our car while we were in Canada. Thankfully, after a few days, things improved dramatically, thanks to my husband. Our RV had been wintering …


Koblenz is a fascinating city with deep historical roots. Mike and I cycled into Koblenz and explored the city exactly six weeks …

Good-bye Mosel 😢

Our plan for a brief detour to the Mosel River turned into a month-long adventure that we could easily have extended. There …

Great Choice: the Mosel Valley

If you’re looking for a recommendation for camping or cycling in Europe, Mike and I wholeheartedly suggest the Mosel River. Originally, we …

The Rhine Gorge

The Rhine Gorge and “Castles on the Rhine” are practically synonymous. You can’t travel through the Rhine Gorge and not see the …

The Black Forest

The Black Forest is known for its natural beauty with its dense forests, rolling hills, and scenic valleys. I remember as a …

“A B C”

“Another Bloody Church” or “Another Bloody Cathedral”: I laughed when my sister, on a cruise ship, told me this acronym that she …

Leaving Lake Constance

Mike and I recently completed our cycling ride around Lake Constance, spending a delightful two weeks at a campground on the Rhine …

Lake Constance Part 2

Mike and I are continuing on our ride along the Rhine river from its source to the North Sea. We have completed …

Lake Constance Part 1

Mike and I have started our main e-bike ride for 2024. We hope to cycle from the start of the Rhine to …

2023 Summary

Well, 2023 didn’t quite go how we expected but it has been an interesting year. We started with medical issues and ended …

Cycling to the Baltic

We did it! We just completed a cycle route from the Adriatic near Trieste in Italy all the way to the Baltic …


Mike and I visited the city of Potsdam before returning to Canada in August. Our plan, after arriving back in Germany, was …

Berlin and more

I am a somewhat hesitant starting to write this post. For one reason, it is a little late, but Mike and I …

Eastern Germany

After enduring a few weeks of chilly temperatures and threatening rain, today’s weather is lovely. So why am I sitting here writing …


Mike and I really like both Munich and Bavaria. We have been here before, on vacation, and I have been here on …

2021 Summary

For the second year in a row, the coronavirus has determined both our route and our time allotment in Europe.  This year …

Heading to Western Europe

Big news first.  After almost 5 years we have finally got to France which is where we were heading a very long …

Entering Denmark

It’s been a few days since I posted a note so this one might jump around a little.  My apologies if the …

Northern Germany

Mike and I have spent the last two weeks in northern Germany.    Our thanks go to Clemens, our friend from Hamburg, for …

Netherlands and Germany

  It has been almost a week since we left Mike’s family in Holland.  I feel like we have really started our …