On North American Soil

Mike and I are finally back home, though our journey from Halifax to Toronto via the U.S. didn’t go quite as planned. …

Red Rock Folk Festival

Well plans changed again.  Isn’t that what holidays are for.  Enroute to Thunder Bay we drove past a turnoff for the town …

Bits and Pieces

It is day 6 and we have just left Hearst, Ontario enroute slowly to Thunder Bay. This might be another night staying …

Day 3 to Swastika, Ontario

Day 3, holiday Monday, and we are heading north. Since Mike hadn’t heard back from his friend in Sudbury we decided to …

Day 2 to North Bay

So it is day 2 and we have just left Walmart in Wasaga Beach on our way to Sudbury.  We just drove …

On the Road (to Walmart)

Day 01  Saturday August 2 We did it!  We have started our trip.  A few minor problems hooking up the car.  I …

Last Minute Actions

So after six different trips to Hitch City the car can finally be towed. Shouldn’t the word alarm mean that it goes …