Happy Again
Just a quick note so that no one feels too sorry for us. We have just arrived in Labrador City. The people we have met so far are great. We are in a campground that is on a lake where we can put our little boat in. There is no electricity but that is what our generator is for. We have just been told that nearly all of the Trans Labrador highway we are going across is newly paved. I am very happy! The temperature is 19C (66F) which is great for Mike and I and the sun is shining. Still no biking as it is very hilly but at least we might get back out on the water. Mike is trying to fix the bike rack as we speak. Tomorrow will be time enough to try and get under the dash and see if there are any obvious loose wires. Don’t uncross your fingers yet. We are in a good mood and very happy with life. Bugs are still here and some are very big but Mike says that they weren’t biting at all when he was working outside. Let’s hope he is correct or it could be a short boat ride tomorrow. We have some telephone signal here but I don’t have a very big data plan so I still can’t overuse the internet. Phone calls are OK for the next day or two then we lose it all again.
We will be here for at least two nights and maybe more. The next town on the map is Goose Bay which is over 500km (300 miles) away.
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